Location North West Tasmania 7306

Fiskars Powergear Telescopic Tree Pruner review

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Fiskars Powergear Telescopic Tree Pruner review

Fiskars, Powergear, Telescopic, Tree Pruner review, Tree Pruner

OK so I purchased the Fiskars Powergear Telescopic Tree Pruner for $199 Australian when I encountered a hedge that was so high a ladder wouldn’t do the job and because of the confined area and the fact that the hedge was more over the neighbours fence a scaffold wasn’t an option or a cherry picker.

I realised with Long pruners I could remove the selected branches near the top of the hedge. Note this was a tough job and took quite some time. In the end I got the job done and mainly from the ground. I used a hedge trimmer where I could reach and the Long pruners where I couldn’t. I believe these were a very good purchase and will find myself using them quite a lot for high hedges and probably for tree lopping jobs where originally I was using a pole saw.

Fiskars long tree pruner review

A few things to mention about using the Telescopic Tree Pruners

  1. The base handle would be a little annoying releasing itself from the pole.
  2. The orange protection over the cutting blade could confuse the position where I was cutting.
  3. The black strap did twist a little when using
  4. Really long reach
  5. Quite easy to cut branches but when they where too thick it was hard to cut.
  6. The pole didn’t suffer much wear even after 11 hours of use… YES this was a big hedge!