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10 Flower Facts Dahlias

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10 Flower Facts Dahlias

Flower Facts Dahlias

Looking into the beautiful Dahlia flower with 10 Flower Facts about Dahlias

Flower Facts Dahlias
  1. The dahlia is named after the Swedish botanist, Andreas Dahl
  2. As a general rule of thumb plant Dahlias in the first week of November it is advisable only to plant tubers when the soil temperature is on the rise and the risk of frost is over.
  3. Dahlias love morning sun and afternoon shade
  4. Dahlias need a balance of Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous. The best fertilisers to apply are animal manures such as Cow and Sheep
  5. Dahlias grow very successfully from cuttings and the plant grows just as well as a plant grown from a tuber.
  6. If you have a choice it is best to plant the smaller tuber because the smaller one will develop its own root system far quicker that the big tuber.
  7. If you have limited space Dahlias can be grown in pots
  8. Dig and divide tubers annually because if you don’t, you run the risk of the clump of tubers rotting in the ground.
  9. The following pests can affect Dahlias: Thrips, Aphids, Two Spotted Mite, White Fly, Cut Worms, Mealy Bug, Snails, Virus and Powdery Mildew.
  10. Experiences have shown that Dahlias do not need as much water as previously perceived. Dahlias do extremely well with a drip system.